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To Preschool or Not to Preschool?

If you have a little one, chances are you have been asked if he or she will attend a preschool. Some parents feel that the time before Kindergarten is a wonderful opportunity to learn basic skills before school, and others feel that kids are just too young and will be better taught at home with mom and dad.

As each family is different, finding the right fit for you has to be a personal choice, but there are quite a few things about preschool and what it gives your child that you may be interested in hearing.

Children of preschool age are little sponges; they take everything in and are constantly asking questions about anything and everything. In a preschool environment, they are given a chance to ask those questions, to let their imaginations loose through play based learning opportunities and to learn social skills along the way as to how to share, how to collaborate and how to take turns.

Furthermore, a preschool class will be set up similarly to a kindergarten class so kids get a feel for 'school' before they're actually at one. They will be exposed to letters, numbers and shapes, gain better pre-reading skills and enjoy richer vocabularies. They will also get a head start in math, acquiring stronger base math skills that they can use as a foundation for their learning.

In a social situation, they also learn how to raise their hand when they want to share, are encouraged to share and take part in activities like circle time and learn how to listen to others and ask questions of them when needed. These good social skills are always important to master and the earlier the better, so the experts say.

Little ones also gain a sense of independence, they are allowed to try new things and realize they can do things all on their own. They learn how to problem solve, and grow a strong behaviour management system all at the same time. They learn how to be respectful both of others and their belongings, and they learn how to get along with others, all in a loving and comfortable environment.

A preschool differs somewhat from a child care facility or a babysitter because they strive to get your child that head start for school, all while taking care of your little one should you need child care like many families do.

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