The Premiere Online Christian Private HomeSchooling Program since 2001
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I chose Christian K12 ?
We are FREE! We are the best, most experienced virtual schooling provider. We do it all for you. We make homeschooling EASY. We keep students engaged with SMART SCREEN TIME.
Where do I get access to the courses?
You will receive an email with instructions within 1 business day. You must go to www.canvas.instructure.com. DO NOT type in your email address (even though it says EMAIL ADDRESS on the Canvas log in page).
You will be logging in to your courses with the username and password you get in your instructions.
How do I access the FREE APPS?
The FREE APPS are located in a course on your dashboard called SMART SCREEN TIME. You will find the username and passwords in the SMART SCREEN TIME Course.
What is your REFUND POLICY?
We want you to be 100% THRILLED with your choice of education for your children. If you do not completely LOVE what we offer, you will get a 100% REFUND in the first 14 days. After 14 days, kindly gve us 30 days notice for any cancelations. Life is uncertain, we want you to know you have ZERO RISK with us.
Do you offer a FREE TRIAL?
You get a 100% REFUND when you cancel within the first 14 days after you enroll. CANCEL ANYTIME
At what age can my student start?
We are happy to enroll children ar any age.
What academic resources are included with my enrollment?
A comprehensive selection of grade-appropriate courses covering many academic topics, including exciting electives. Choose up to 6 each year.
Online ebooks, printable workbooks and offline projects.
Assignments, tests, quizzes and interactives.
Record keeping programs for documentation to verify enrollment, attendance and instructional time in the program.
Students are awarded credits, issued transcripts and earn a High School diploma upon fulfilling all Academy requirements.
What is the parent's role at ChristianK-12.com
Since students are learning at home, The Christian K12 Online School depends upon parents to ensure that their student is attending class each day and will meet all attendance requirements required by private school law. We also encourage parents to foster extra-curricular activities for their students.
When does the school year begin?
The Christian K12 Online School has rolling enrollment ALL 365 days of the year. There is no set beginning to the school year. Students will have as much time as they need to complete their assignments.
What are the Daily Lessons like?
Lessons are comprised of content readings, engaging activities, colorful graphics, animated materials, and the infusion of multimedia, such as digitized sound and videos.
Is your program flexible?
Families are in charge of their own daily schedule. Students can do all their work at one time, or can space it throughout the day. Some students enjoy working on one subject each day, while others enjoy moving though all of their subjects every day. The Academy has a mixture of online and offline assignments.
How long does this program take each day?
Middle and high school students typically spend 2 to 4 hours online per day and elementary students spend about half that time. The student’s schedule can be easily adjusted to accommodate family matters, extracurricular activities and unexpected events such as illness, still leaving plenty of time for the student to complete all courses within the 365-day period.
We live in a different time zone! How will this work?
That’s the beauty of virtual schooling! Almost everything at the academy is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You have access to your classes to complete your work anytime you are most comfortable, even at night!
How can I find out what my state’s homeschooling requirements are?
You should contact your local school district to learn about your state’s homeschooling requirements.
How much time should my student spend online every day?
Each student learns at a different pace, and these differences should be considered when determining if your student is spending enough time on schoolwork. A guideline would be two-four hours for Elementary students and four to five hours for Middle school and high school students. Two hours of online work in a 24-hour period constitutes one “day” of attendance. Additional time is often spent on offline activities, such as viewing videos or visiting museums.
Can my student earn a high school diploma?
Christian K-12 does not award high school diplomas. However, you can get a diploma from www.TheMorningStarAcademy.com.
Do you accept students with special education needs?
Yes, we do accept students with individualized Education Programs (IEPs), although we do not offer Special Education Services. It is important for parents to review our courses and determine whether they would meet your current needs. If our program appears to be able to meet your student's needs, you may wish to include our academy as a part of your special education program along with other resources in your community.
Does your program work well for gifted students?
Our program works extremely well for gifted students as we allow them the flexibility to move at their own pace through our curriculum. This prevents the common issue of boredom in a traditional classroom setting where gifted students feel they have already grasped all the material being covered yet have to wait for their instructor to teach everyone in the class. Gifted students benefit from our “any time, anywhere, any pace” system as they may opt to complete multiple assignments in one subject area per day versus traditionally doing one assignment per course per day. Gifted students can choose higher-level courses from our 150-course offerings, add additional courses if they finish early, and challenge themselves through our lessons.
Will your program work for my dyslexic student?
Dyslexia has so many forms and levels that it is difficult, if not impossible, to respond properly to this question. The best advice would be to show the diagnosing physician our academy's curriculum and work together to decide whether or not our academy would be a good choice.
How do students with ADD/ADHD perform with your program?
Because of our online environment and multimedia-rich curriculum, students with attention disorders seem to do extremely well at our academy. Our unique online learning system allows students to work quietly, accommodate rapidly changing energy levels and work at their own unique pace. Although we do not offer special education services, the very nature of our engaging curriculum has been a wonderful solution to many students with attention disorders. We suggest that parents of students with special needs consult their health-care provider about our academy’s learning environment to determine if it may be helpful.
How do I register my student for The Christian K12 Online School,?
Log on to our website, www.ChristianK-12.com, click on ENROLL BY GRACE.
How long will it take to enroll my student?
Once the initial application and registration fee are received, we are usually able to process an application within 24 business hours.
How will I know if my student has been accepted at The Christian K12 Online School,?
All enrollment steps are verified through email confirmations.
How do I remit my application/registration fee?
Enrollment/registration fees can be paid by check, money order, Visa, or MasterCard. Please be advised that mailed payments can take up to two weeks to process.
To remit with a check or money order, simply mail to:
The Christian K12 Online School
24 N Bryn Mawr Ave
Suite 210
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
What is your Refund Policy?
If a family disenrolls at anytime during the active academic year after the 14-day trial period, they are fully responsible for all fees and tuition owed for that school year.
What does it mean to be a part-time student verses a full-time student?
A part-time student takes five or less courses per year; a full-time student takes six classes or more per year. Part-time student will pay by the course, while full-time students will be charged the yearly tuition.
If we withdraw after enrollment, but before the school year begins, which monies will be refunded?
The first 14 days begins from the student’s first login to the school system.